Monday, May 10, 2010

My pants are locked in the dryer with a side Irish politics

After starting off the day late… and I mean 15 minutes exactly. Not having a cell phone or iPod to keep with me is bad news bears (and yes it did cross my mind just now that I could just be simple and get a watch for my wrist.)

Our first activity of the day was meeting with Dr. Roderick Flynn at Dublin City University. He delivered a very engaging speech about the media in Dublin. I was very interested to find out that 1/3 of all newspapers in Ireland are from Britain on Sunday and that home delivery of papers is nonexistent. I was also shocked to learn that 55-60% of the population read papers on a daily basis and 90% on a weekly basis, which is a big difference to the percentage of those who do in the US.

Next was the big time business, a photo in the courtyard of us all in our green snazzy sweatshirts for the marketing department of our school and I was the paparazzo for the job.

The hop-on hop-off double-decker bus tour was AMAZING today. I was on the top of the bus the entire time and tried to take photos when my hands were furiously shaking from the crazy driving. Halfway through a bunch of us got off at a stop – St. Patrick’s Cathedral. It was amazing except for the fact that I saw a guy get sick all over the floor in one of the wings, and then it was the end of sight seeing for me. We got back on the bus, froze to death, saw where Ambassador Rooney lives, froze even more but never got off the top because it would have taken away from the experience and we were too cold to even move, then we got a preview of the Guinness factory which we will be going to THIS Saturday! We also learned that the Dublin zoo is the second oldest in the world, and the biggest exporter of Lions to Africa, and the home of the MGM lion in the opening credits, and then froze even more.

I then had the experience of locking my pants in the dryer after putting them in it to get the wrinkles out. I went to the front desk like an idiot to ask how to free my pants from the dryer and get some needed toilet paper.

My night consisted of going to RTE studios to be in the audience of The Frontline, live political show. I met a nice man from Dublin that has a restaurant chain of 60-some in all of Europe, Asia and Australia called Abrakebabra and is currently working on the business of selling ethanol conversion kits. I have to say it was very interesting to have a European ask me about Obama instead of the much-hated George Bush (but don’t worry, we got to him not soon after he asked my political standing.) The night went out with a bang when all of the panelists came out and sat in my row… and then I was awkwardly sitting between two guys that were going at it because the disagreed about how to fix the mortgage crisis.

At this point (end of show), I have almost fallen asleep 7 times throughout the day, was on a live TV show in the middle of a mortgage fight, looked AWWkward on live television and froze like it was a blizzard in the steel city. Now its off for a few hours of sleep before off to another meeting... this time at an AD agency.

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